To ESA Owners: We are sorry.
If you have an emotional support animal and are having a hard time processing the latest developments from the U.S. Department of Transportation, take a second to read this.
We understand the frustration and perhaps helplessness you may be feeling. On December 2nd, 2020 we awoke to the disturbing news that the DOT would allow airlines to categorize emotional support animals as normal pets. This change removes important safeguards for all Americans who suffer from invisible disabilities. We are sorry this is happening to you and we are here to help.
We have seen the media post article after article celebrating the demise of ESAs on flights, pointing out the incredibly rare instance of a peacock on a flight or other unusual occurrence. These stories forget about the rest of us who rely on our one emotional support dog or cat and also disregard the fact that thousands of ESA owners fly every day without incident. It seems our government prioritized business interests over the rights of disabled Americans and we can understand if you feel abandoned.
We are here to say to you that even if you feel attacked and unfairly singled out, this change does not diminish the value of your emotional support animal or mean that your ESA does not have an essential role in your life and for your mental health. Many disability advocacy organizations and thousands of ESA owners voiced their objections to these new rules, and we will continue to fight for disability rights.
We know part of the panic you may be feeling comes from not knowing what is coming next. That is okay, as the practical implications of these changes are not yet fully known. We will wait and see if any of the airlines will choose to continue on a path of compassion and accommodate emotional support animals, even if they are not obligated to. It is possible that some airlines will continue to allow emotional support animals or allow them under different procedures. We just don’t know everything right now and that can be scary.
We also want to let you know these new rules will not impact you travel plans for December. If you had plans to travel back home, we understand that on top of the trauma that has come from COVID that this news is an additional emotional burden. However, you do not need to worry about the airlines turning you away in 2020 if you follow the existing procedures for ESA accommodations. The new regulations will likely not be in effect until around January 2021 and you can still fly with your ESA until that time. If you have travel plans in 2021, we recommend checking with your airline to make sure they will still honor your ESA documentation for your flight.
We believe these new rules unfairly ostracize people with mental disabilities as opposed to physical conditions, and will disproportionately affect low-income individuals who cannot afford to pay airline pet fees. The team members at ESA Doctors extend their sympathies and support to ESA owners worldwide who are understandably dismayed and distressed by this news.
It’s important to remember that as an ESA owner you still have rights. Your ESA letter still gives you protections under federal and state housing laws. We believe the future for emotional support animal owners is bright and hope more reasonable regulatory measures will be taken in the coming years that recognize the value of ESAs in the fight to improve mental health. We will get through this difficult time together and we are here to support you.